Monday, August 31, 2015

Senior Class President's Welcome

The beginning of September marks the period where it’s time to put down the grill tongs and boogie boards and pick up a pencil and some paper. It marks the time where we transition back into “students” and we have to wake up before the sun comes out. It is the time where four different classes come together with the common goal of achieving academic success under the roof of North Attleboro High School.

At the start of every school year, the intimidation factor is at an all-time high. Even for students who have walked the halls for 3 years prior, nobody knows what to expect when they first step foot onto school grounds. Will my teachers be nice? Will I like the atmosphere in the class? Will I have a lot of homework? Whether you’re an incoming freshman or a high-and-mighty senior, we all are a bit nervous for the first day back.

It isn’t long before jitters go away, and the comfort begins to set in. It isn’t just the teachers that help with the nerves however; it’s your fellow students that travel the same halls. They are there to assist and guide as best as possible, and to help make the experience as beneficial as they can. They can relate and communicate with you, regardless of your age, race, gender, or religion. There’s a reason it’s called a student body and not bodies; because we all come together to help make the new school year as awesome as the last.

So welcome back to all the sophomores, juniors and seniors! And a warm welcome to all of the new freshman who will be joining us this year as well! Together we can rally up the spirit and energy to make this year one to remember. With the power and unity that I know we have, we can achieve greatness. Go North, and GO BIG RED!

Your Senior Class President,

Chris LaVallee

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Words of Wisdom to the Class of 2015

Mrs. Badger:
"'My favorite animal is the turtle. The reason is that in order for the turtle to move, it has to stick its neck out. There are going to be times in your life when you’re going to have to stick your neck out. There will be challenges and instead of hiding in a shell, you have to go out and meet them.' - Ruth Westheimer
Good luck to the Class of 2015.  You will be missed." 

Sharon Carney-Andrews:
"One of my favorite quotes:  'Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.' - John Lennon. 
My own words of wisdom - Be brave, be kind, show compassion to others and never give up on your dreams! - Best wishes to the class of 2015!"

Ms. Churchill:
"'Life's tough, get a helmet.' -Boy Meets World.  Good luck in college and in life everyone! Work hard and you can achieve anything! Much love, KC."

Sra Cosme:
"Como lo dijo muy bien Celia Cruz en una de mis canciones favoritas y positivas, 'No hay que llorar, la vida es un carnaval y hay que vivir cantando...las penas se van cantando, la vida es una hermosura..,'Y como Marc Anthony dijo tambien: 'voy a reir , voy a cantar y a vivir mi vida, ...' Please,go into the world and do well,enjoy life, and more importantly, do good to others!"

Mr. Couture:
"Fear of what could happen is the biggest enemy of living your dream."

Ms. Hanley:
"'We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.'― J.K. Rowling 
Thank you, Class of 2015. I will miss you! Love, EH"

Ms. McGrail
"'I have learned that there is no failure in running, or in life, as long as you keep moving.' - Amby Burfoot.  Never let anything stop you from moving forward and becoming the best that you can be! Best of luck to the Class of 2015!"

Mrs. McKamy:
"'Whether I'm at the office, at home, or on the road, I always have a stack of books I'm looking forward to reading.'--Bill Gates

Mrs. Mitnik:
"My advice to you is to always remember to be kind.  You have no idea what other people are going through, and there is no deeper regret then the feeling that you have contributed to someone's personal distress. This is one of my favorite quotes:  'Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.' ~ Dalai Lama.  Thank you for your kindness and generosity towards others during your years at the High School."

Mrs. Rushlow:
"While graduation is an exciting time, it is a time of some uncertainty too. I always like to share this quote from LETTERS TO A YOUNG POET by Rainer Maria Rilke for times of transition....
'Try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live with them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now.'”

Mrs. Anne Sandland:
"Absorb as much daily sunshine into your body as possible. This can be from Mother Nature or in the form of smiles or good deeds from friends or family members. This 'warmth' is stored in the body for use on a cloudy/challenging day, until the sun shines on us again!  The Class of 2015 has given me a reason to smile this school year.  I am proud of each of you and your accomplishments."

Mr. Scozzaro:
"Be appreciative of others' advice for they just want the best for you, but in the end, trust your heart. Don't be afraid to go your own way."

Ms. Shockro:
"'We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone'
Ronald Reagan.    Best Wishes to the Class of 2015!"

Ms. Sullivan:
"Ten thoughts that have helped me in the years since my own graduation from NAHS:
1. Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have.
2. What feels like the end is often the beginning. 
3. 'Do the right thing...even when no one is looking.' - C.S. Lewis
4. 'Be kind...for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.' - Ian MacLaren
5. 'Life is too important to be taken seriously.' - Oscar Wilde
6. Travel without a map.  
7. 'Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures.' - Lovelle Drachman
8. Let go of what you think you know.  
9. 'We can do hard things.' - Glennon Melton
10. And most importantly for P.6 American Government - Always tip your waiters and waitresses : )
Good luck to the Class of 2015 - I hope you find happiness and make this world a better place!"

Mr. Walsh:
"Education is not a problem. Education is an opportunity."  --President Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th President of the United States. 


"'Campus Life' on a Thursday night if you are questioning whether to study for exams or go out with friends.  Ask yourself one question 'Would I want my brain surgeon to be a D student?'"

"Seniors, My advice is to not let failure deter you; your life doesn't end because of a temporary setback, it just starts over.  Next, don't be afraid of making a decision, even if it's wrong.  Your future employers want decisive leaders, not someone who cannot make a decision.  Good Luck and Great Success in your life."

"Life is difficult.  Everything from this point on will require hard work.  Do not look for handouts, nothing is deserved, but rather EARNED."

"Never give up pursuing your dreams and never allow yourself to say the words, 'I can't.'  Have faith in your abilities, confidence in your convictions, and never let them see you sweat!  Now, go out there and make the world your own.  Best of luck, Class of 2015!!!"

"Advice I would give someone going to college: 
1. Find the library and pick a spot to go everyday, spend at least an hour there doing your work.
2. Go to class, you didn't spend all that money to sleep. 
3. Sometimes you're going to have to choose to study rather than party. Saying no to your friends can be difficult.
4. Get a meal plan and use it.
Adivce I would give someone going into the work force: 
1. Don't wait for things to be handed to you.
2. Work really hard, and earn what you get.
3. Try to find a job you love doing.
The secrets to life: 
1. Surround yourself with good people. 
2. Find a hobby you can be passionate about
3. Never stop learning.
4. Love your family with all your heart.
5. Follow the golden rule as best as you can.
Say no to drugs. Really, they're bad, umkay."

"Do what is required of you and add a bit more!"

"Wear Sunscreen"

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Journey

Twelve years ago
the class of 2015
started the journey
of a lifetime together
we were sent off to school
with brand-new backpacks
waiting to be filled
bright eyes
and eager smiles

We clambered into classrooms
arms wide open
with endless potential

We daydreamed
of what we would grow up
to be
doctors and firemen
astronauts and dancers

And through the years
each challenge,
and even failure,
was a new lesson
tucked carefully into our backpacks
The experiences we carried through this journey
have molded us
into the people we are today
athletes and artists
scholars and musicians

We put in the work
and took some...
well-deserved breaks
but everything so far
has led up to this
right now

So here we are
being sent off
into the world
Our backpacks now well-worn
from the places
we have already been
filled to the brim
with the knowledge
we have acquired
along the way

And we will step surely off this stage
bright eyes
Eager smiles
arms wide open
with endless potential

By Nicole LaFond

Class of 2015: A Poem

Take a moment

Look to your left
Look to your right
Some of these faces
You've known since kindergarten
Some of these faces
You'll never see again
But as we all sit
Side by side

Take a moment

We've spent these years
In a hurry
A hurry to grow up
Busy wishing and dreaming
For the start of our lives
Bus as we all sit
The class of 2015
Palms are clenching seats
Hearts are pounding
And thoughts are scattered
We can't hear ourselves think
Trying to catch our breath
In this bittersweet wind

We must take a moment

For ourselves
Before we walk across the stage
To live in this moment
We made it!

By Samantha Cummings