Monday, August 31, 2015

Senior Class President's Welcome

The beginning of September marks the period where it’s time to put down the grill tongs and boogie boards and pick up a pencil and some paper. It marks the time where we transition back into “students” and we have to wake up before the sun comes out. It is the time where four different classes come together with the common goal of achieving academic success under the roof of North Attleboro High School.

At the start of every school year, the intimidation factor is at an all-time high. Even for students who have walked the halls for 3 years prior, nobody knows what to expect when they first step foot onto school grounds. Will my teachers be nice? Will I like the atmosphere in the class? Will I have a lot of homework? Whether you’re an incoming freshman or a high-and-mighty senior, we all are a bit nervous for the first day back.

It isn’t long before jitters go away, and the comfort begins to set in. It isn’t just the teachers that help with the nerves however; it’s your fellow students that travel the same halls. They are there to assist and guide as best as possible, and to help make the experience as beneficial as they can. They can relate and communicate with you, regardless of your age, race, gender, or religion. There’s a reason it’s called a student body and not bodies; because we all come together to help make the new school year as awesome as the last.

So welcome back to all the sophomores, juniors and seniors! And a warm welcome to all of the new freshman who will be joining us this year as well! Together we can rally up the spirit and energy to make this year one to remember. With the power and unity that I know we have, we can achieve greatness. Go North, and GO BIG RED!

Your Senior Class President,

Chris LaVallee

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